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Elon Musk Needs a Win, Says He Wants to Fight Zuck Again

Elon will likely colonize Mars before he steps foot in a ring with Zuck.

Remember the big fight between Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg that was supposed to happen last year? Well, that ended up not coming to fruition thanks to Musk ducking Zuck by asking for ridiculous stipulations like having the match set in Ancient Rome, but the richest man in the world is still talking smack.

Musk was in D.C. on Wednesday for Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech in front of Congress, and the Tesla CEO was asked by a reporter whether he’ll fight Zuckerberg. His response was classic Elon in that you can tell he’s saying something that, like his Optimus robots, robotaxis, or colonizing Mars won’t happen anytime soon.

“I’ll fight Zuckerberg any place, any time, any rules,” Musk said with a smile on Wednesday.

The Meta CEO appeared to be unfazed when asked about the challenge.

“Are we really doing this again,” Zuckerberg replied on Threads Wednesday.

It’s no surprise that Zuck isn’t sweating a match with Musk as the Meta CEO has a new passion for Brazilian jiu-jitsu, has gotten quite ripped, and required his company to give a warning to investors that he could die from his hobby.

Musk, on the other hand, is not doing so hot physically. The Tesla CEO did slim down from his 2022 ultra-dad bod thanks to some help from his friend Wegovy. Even if he’s a bit more trim, Musk has a lot of pain. Not just emotional pain but physical pain.

Part of the reason Musk ran away from a fight with Zuck last year was his self-reported chronic pain in his neck and back. In an interview with the infamous psychologist Jordan Peterson posted on the X platform on Monday, Musk blamed a match he had with a champion sumo wrestler on his birthday in 2014. He said his attempt to judo throw the wrestler led to years of back and neck pain and three surgeries to try to repair his C5-C6 intervertebral disc. Peterson, who is not a doctor, advised Musk to try the carnivore diet to fix it up. Musk demurred.

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